Thursday, October 5, 2017

The differences between India and Pakistan

The color of Islam


The color green has a number of traditional associations in Islam. In the Quran, it is associated with paradise. In the 12th century, green was chosen as dynastic color by the (Shiite) Fatimids, in contrast to the black used by the (Sunnite) Abbasids. After the Fatimid dynastic color, green remains particularly popular in Shi'ite iconography, but it is also widely used in by Sunni states, notably on the flag of Saudia Arabia.
Some believe that green was the Prophet Muhammad's favorite color, and it is mentioned in a number of verses in the Quran as the color that will be worn by the inhabitants of paradise.

* In the Ottoman Empire, the wearing of a green turban was a privilege afforded to the descendants of Muhammad  (drawing by Claes Ralamb, 1657).

 * Al-Khidr ("The Green One") is a Qur'anic figure who met and traveled with Moses.

* The Green Dome, traditional site of the tomb of Muhammad, was painted green on the order of Sultan Abdul Hamid II (r. 1876–1909)

Surprising facts about Islam part 2

Fátua para mulheres: oração - mulheres nas mesquitas

AoA Fátua:  é um pronunciamento legal no Islã emitido por um especialista em lei religiosa, sobre um assunto específico.   P: As mul...