Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Fatwa for women: fasting - beginning the fast when menstruation ends


Fatwa: a ruling on a point of Islamic law given by a recognized authority.

Q: If my menstruation period ends right after dawn in Ramadan, do I have to observe that day, and if I do so would the fast be valid or do I have to make up for that day?

A: If your menstrual period ends with dawn or prior to it, your observance would be valid even if you delay having a bath until after dawn. But if your blood does not stop until after dawn, you have to observe the rest of the day and you still
have to make up for that day after Ramadan. Allah knows best. - (Shaikh Ibn Jibreen) 

From the book Selected Fatwa for Women
By: Muhammad bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Musnad

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