Monday, December 17, 2018

Fatwa for women : which row in prayer is best for women?


Fatwa: a ruling on a point of Islamic law given by a recognized authority.

Q:If there is some sort of covering or wall between the men and women in the mosque, does the Hadith of the Prophet PBUH still apply, "The best rows for the men are the first rows and the worst rows are the last rows. And the best rows for women are the last rows and the worst rows are the front rows," or does this Hadith no longer apply and the best rows for the women become the front rows? Benefit us, may Allah benefit you!

A: It is apparent that the reason the best rows for the women are the last rows is because they are further away from the men. The further a woman is from the men, the better and more chaste that is for her person and honor. It also keeps her further away from being enticed to do evil. However, if the place of prayer for the women is far from the men and is separated by a wall or barrier, and they rely upon a microphone to follow the Imam, then, in that case, the strongest view is that the best rows for the women are the front rows since they are in front and closer to the Qiblah and so forth. (Shaikh bin Jibreen)

From the book Selected Fatwa for Women

By: Muhammad bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Musnad

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